Categories: 穿戴式裝置

Google Pixel Watch 只有1天續航,且不支援非原廠充電器

在今天下午向9to5Google發表的一份聲明中,谷歌已經確認 Pixel Watch 不支援 Qi 無線充電板或Pixel 智能手機的反向無線充電。


Qi charging is not supported on the Google Pixel Watch. There may be some charging configurations where reverse wireless or Qi charging appears to work. This will be very device and charger specific and is

not guaranteed to provide a consistent, steady or strong charge. Note that in some cases, this could cause the device to discharge while on charger. Pixel Watch only supports charging with the inbox charger provided. 

很多媒體在初步測試中,發現使用Pixel 7 替 Pixel Watch 反向無線充電確實會觸發充電通知


官方目前的說明頁面也表示: 目前僅能使用原廠USB-C磁吸充電線進行充電,沒有別的方法

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